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I have always felt that I could write. As a girl, I received a typewriter for Christmas, and I would spend hours typing letters, stories, and poems (or copying song lyrics from Smash Hits magazine!). As I grew up, my writing became more academic with school, college, and university work. And then I stopped. It wasn’t until my thirties that the little voice would call again, but I was busy being a Mum and a full-time nurse to have the time.


2020 was the year that the world stood still, in the grips of a pandemic. Covid-19 held the world to ransom, and suddenly time slowed down. In the stillness, that voice became louder, and I had the time and the drive to put pen to paper.

As a multi-passionate, creative person, I have always had little projects on the side, whether it be photography, needlework, drawing, craft projects (my house is like a miniature branch of Hobbycraft!). I love yoga and try to practice regularly whether that be on my mat at home or in class (mainly virtual this year, of course). I have discovered a love of painting. I like to sing and dance – I started tap dancing classes before Covid-19 took hold, which was great fun! I love being in nature, whether that be on the beach or in the forest. I have connected with a tribe of incredible and inspirational women, and I continue to grow into the person I really am.


I am Mum to grown-up babies, step-mum, and Nana-Anna to four beautiful little ones. I have been married for 19 years, and I live on the south coast of England (although not close enough to the sea for my liking). My parents and brother still live in my hometown of Portsmouth, which is also where I now work as a mental health nurse. Nursing is one of my passions, it is a privilege to meet people at their most vulnerable moments and make even the smallest difference to them and their families. I work with older adults and am lucky to hear their stories.

I am surrounded by a tribe of incredible women who support, encourage and life each other up. I wouldn't be here without them.


Photo credit: @debbie_the_phoenix

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